Just a quick message to say thank you for Devon’s report this year and the support you have given him with your teaching.
I think it is clear to see that Devon’s efforts in talking and increasing speech during lessons has made a difference to all his lessons. He finds Science easier than other subjects and he is doing well.
We are very proud of Devon and how he has progressed this year.
Thank you for you work and support.
We wanted to let you know that Tom was given a B grade for his history.
We can’t thank you enough for all your input with Tom, especially as there was no verbal communication. I know that can’t have been easy. He has a place at St. Mary’s in Twickenham to study Sociology and Criminology, which is something we thought might never happen for him especially as he was clearly very capable.
You played a big part in helping Tom to achieve this and we are so grateful.
Cheryl was over the moon to have been awarded an A grade. She has had such little self-worth and value as a person with her illness and having such a brilliant education and achieving is invaluable.
She really struggles with her health and it is commendable that she manages to keep going at times.
Thank you so much for all the effort that you have put into teaching Cheryl, especially with the late start and her inability to do much more than her 5 hours lesson times.
You have allowed her to shine and given her encouragement to achieve.
Thank you, as ever, for all the wonderful support you have given Gray. He is very proud and starting to accept how well his grades have been and how well he has learnt to coped with assessments.
Have the most wonderful Christmas and New year.
I thought you might be pleased to hear that Daniel got a C in his Science module 1 exams (almost a B!) and a B in module 2. He got 76% in both Module 2 Chemistry and Physics exams, and the only revision he did for them outside of his sessions with you was two hours of Chemistry!
Michael and I would like to thank you for your patience and skills in helping Cheryl to prepare herself for her GCSE. We honestly did not expect to be in a position where she felt comfortable enough to take these exams, and that is down to you and the teachers from Apricot persevering with her and allowing her to complete the course in a way she felt comfortable with.
Cheryl has taken her Science exams and when we know the result, I will let you know. For us the fact that she even went into the exam room to take them is worth an A*.
She has been through a very rough few years but the stability of lessons each day whilst feeling safe in her own home has helped her get the courage to start to face life again.
She has applied and been accepted at a college near to us to study animal welfare. A classroom will be a mighty challenge for her, but she wants to succeed. She has woken up again to the joy of learning and I can’t thank you enough for your part in that.
My son has used your services for 2 and a bit years whilst he was too ill to attend school. I just wanted to say thank you for all your team did for him. He just received his GCSE grades: 5 As, 2 Bs, and a C – but he received grade A in both English exams and Maths, which he couldn’t have achieved with your staff’s help at the hardest time in his life.
He managed to achieve all he has done. Now he is going for A Levels. Both my wife and I (and especially Alan) want to say thank you.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your help with the GCSE tuition for my daughter, Skye. She just got her GCSE results and she got an A* in the exam you helped her prepare for, which led to an A* in the whole subject. So, thanks again for your part in helping her get such an excellent result!
We thought you might like to know how Jax did in his GCSEs. He has done really well – we are over the moon!
He has been accepted into the 6th form at Hayes to study 3 A levels! He’s decided to go for Maths, Computer Science and Music Technology. He originally thought he might do History, but has decided to change to Music Tech after attending the induction day. We are hoping this is the right decision as he was actually very near a grade 7 in his History GCSE! His results are as follows:
Combined Science 6, 6 – History 6 – Maths 7 – English Language 4 – English Lit 3 – Computer Science 5
Once again, we would like to thank you all for your help and support and for everything you did for Jax. We know that overall History was 110 – not far off a 7 – and that his English Language was 83, only 3 marks away from a grade 5. The English department wants to submit it for a re-mark.
These results have made Jax very happy and upbeat, which is fantastic! Thank you all so much.
We are thrilled. James is at this moment singing “I’ve got a B”. He was only 4 marks off an “A” so he is very proud. His teacher has done a brilliant job. I know he worked incredibly hard with James. His interview has gone well today, he wants to work with animals, and is aiming to do either a Vet Nurse degree or Zoology, as he’s brilliant with animals. So, the Maths was very important to him. Again, a huge thanks to Apricot!
We’ve had more enthusiastic study from Laurie. She came down at lunchtime with a massive smile on her face! I honestly can’t remember the last time she was so happy! I am beginning to think that this was the best step that we could have made! I really think that it might be the making of her!!!
I’m not sure if you get informed of GCSE results, but I thought you may like to know and inform Remy’s teachers that he passed all 5 GCSE’s with the following results:
RE B – English Lang 6 – English Lit 5 – Spoken = Distinction – Maths C – Science B
Thank you all so much for your patience and hard work. We are absolutely amazed and delighted with these results, confirmation that Apricot really does work!
Remy has surpassed everyone’s expectations and has been offered a place at Moulton College to study at an extended Diploma Level, which he thought was simply beyond his dreams. He has a long way to go with a few battles ahead, but these results have given him such a boost.
He was at an all-time low when he started his learning with you, I cannot thank you enough for giving him the chance to carry on his education when all else seemed lost.
With thanks and very best regards.
We just wanted to let you know that Sam somehow passed his Science GCSE with two grade 4s! There is obviously no way this would have been possible without you, your interesting lessons, and your encouragement.
Thank you so much for being such a fantastic, supportive teacher this last year. We both really wish Sam was able to continue having his Apricot lessons, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you and the team at Apricot for the support afforded to Neill last term. Your online learning provision was invaluable in providing Neill with some structure and a focus for his studies during his time out of a formal school setting.
Just heard that Natalie got a 9 in her History. I would like to say thank you.
I am just writing a quick note to say how wonderful your lovely teachers are!
When faced with situations like today, where Serena was unable to do some of her lessons due to anxiety and, consequently, very little sleep, they were supportive, understanding and helpful in equal proportions. What a refreshing change for me to also feel supported rather than being made to feel like a co-contributor to Serena’s awful school attendance rate!
I am so pleased to have found Apricot! I am convinced that it will be the making of Serena!
Nico collected GCSE results today and is really pleased with his results which are as follows;
English Language 9 – English Literature 9
Thank you so much for your time with Nico and helping him achieve his best. We are very proud.
Just a chance for me to also say how amazing this experience is for Ben. He’s absolutely loving learning and it’s been a smooth, easy process. Thanks for all you did getting us going.
I hope you’re well and enjoying a break over the summer. I just wanted to let you know that George got a grade 8 for his GCSE, which he’s delighted with, as he thought the exams were ‘stupidly’ hard and he didn’t think he’d done so well. He passed all his subjects. The Head of Sixth Form is glad to be able to welcome George back to school after such a long absence.
Thank you for all your encouragement and hard work with George. Your belief in him has paid off!
I just wanted to thank you and the teachers for the work you are doing with Liam. It’s hard to believe this time last year he could not leave the house due to so many anxiety attacks which led him to stop eating. Apricot has been an absolute miracle for him. Not only him, but me as well.
I am so happy to see my son actually look forward to lessons and then ask for more! This is something that he has never done and this is the first time that Liam has ever shown any excitement or enthusiasm for learning. That is a huge hurdle for him as emotions are difficult for him.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.